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The 9th International Manga Award

    The 9th International Manga Award | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Illustration
     Deadline:  June 12, 2015 - expired! May 14, 2015
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
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    Organised by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, the 9th International Manga Award is now open for entries.

    The International Manga Award was established in May 2007 upon the initiative of the then-Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Taro Aso with the aim of awarding Manga creators who contribute to the spread of Manga culture overseas and international cultural exchange through Manga.

    Both published and unpublished works are eligible, but Manga works should have been produced within three years proceeding the date of application (2012-2015), and must have been produced outside Japan.

    Each applicant can submit only one work under one title (or series). In case your submission is a collection of short stories, you can submit only one story.

    Works have to be composed of minimum of 24 pages and must be submitted in printed form.

    There is no entry fee.


    This competition is open to anyone worldwide.


    The best Manga among the submitted works will be awarded the Gold Award. The next three best Manga shall receive the Silver Award.

    Recipients will be invited to Japan by the Japan Foundation to attend the award ceremony. During the stay in Japan, they will also exchange opinions with Japanese Manga creators, make an excursion and visit publishing companies and other places.

    The award ceremony will be held in Tokyo in January, 2016.

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