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That's a Mole! Illustration Contest 2018

    That's a Mole! Illustration Contest 2018 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Illustration
     Deadline:  April 28, 2018 - expired! March 15, 2018
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
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    That's a Mole! is an international illustration contest, now in its 5th edition, where participants are asked to create an illustration, a graphic interpretation or a decorative pattern in the shape of the most important icon of the city of Turin, Italy: the Mole Antonelliana monument.

    That's a Mole! aims to be successful in giving visibility and enhancing the participants' work, while also reinforcing and promoting the attention to culture, community and tourism in the area.

    Technique is free, and each participant may submit up to three proposals. Artwork can be submitted by individuals and/or groups, and the final proposal must fit within the 17x40 cm template.

    Please note: Mole is also the English word for Talpa Europeæa; but here it stands just for Mole Antonelliana, monument symbol of the city of Turin (Italy). The topic of the proposal is free and hasn't to deal with the animal!

    Entry fee is 10 EUR (approx. 12 USD) for up to 3 entries. Submission for the Educational section (authors younger than 18 years of age and/or authors from socio-pedagogical realities) is free.


    Open to everyone worldwide without age limits.


    A qualified jury will select 29 proposals, which will be exhibited in front of the Mole Antonelliana (Via Montebello, Turin, Italy) from June to September 2018.

    Among these there will be:

    • The winning proposal will be awarded 1.000 EUR (approx. 1,230 USD)
    • 250 EUR Social communication Special Prize
    • 250 EUR Fermitutti Special Prize
    • Special Mentions awarded by supporters and institutions

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