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Jackson's Painting Prize 2023

    Jackson's Painting Prize 2023 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Illustration
     Deadline:  March 1, 2023 - expired! December 7, 2022
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Jackson's Painting Prize exists to champion exceptional artworks made by international creators at all points in their careers, with tailored prizes aimed to give successful applicants the exposure and resources that are most relevant to them.

    Jackson's Painting Prize has steadily grown in size and reputation since it started in 2016, last year receiving nearly 9000 entries from 107 countries, with the shortlist gaining tens of thousands of views online with huge acclaim.

    Artists may submit 2-dimensional fine art works in any painting or drawing media. There are no theme restrictions for pieces you wish to enter for Jackson's Painting Prize. You can submit up to a total of 5 artworks.

    Entry fee is 5 GBP (approx. 6.7 USD) per artwork.


    Open worldwide to all artists.


    A first prize of 6000 GBP + 1000 GBP Jackson’s art materials, two London exhibitions, plus 15 other awards.

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