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International Silent Book Contest 2025

    International Silent Book Contest 2025 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Illustration
     Deadline:  January 30, 2025 - expired! August 5, 2024
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    The International Silent Book Contest 2025, organized by the renowned Italian publisher Carthusia Edizioni, is a competition that invites illustrators from around the globe to showcase their storytelling prowess through silent books. Silent books, also known as wordless picture books, rely solely on illustrations to convey narratives, offering a unique challenge and opportunity for artists to express stories through visual art alone. This contest is open to participants of any nationality and seeks to explore the rich potential of visual storytelling, free from the constraints of language and words.

    Participants are encouraged to submit original silent book projects that demonstrate creativity, innovation, and the ability to tell a compelling story through images. The subject matter for these books is entirely open, providing artists with the freedom to explore diverse themes and ideas that can appeal to readers of all ages. The competition aims to highlight the universal language of pictures, making it accessible and engaging to a broad audience, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers.

    The competition not only celebrates the art of illustration but also offers significant opportunities for professional growth and recognition. The winning project will be published by Carthusia Edizioni, a publisher known for its high-quality children’s books. Additionally, the winner will receive a cash prize of 3,000 € as an advance on royalties, along with a formal publishing contract. This prize not only provides financial support but also validates the artist’s work, offering a platform for their talent to be recognized and appreciated on an international stage.

    Entry fee is 60 €.


    Open to illustrators of any nationality over the age of 18.


    The winning book project will be published by Carthusia Edizioni. The author will sign a publishing contract and receive a cash prize of 3,000 € as an advance on royalties. The winner will also be celebrated at the award ceremony held at the Salone Internazionale del Libro of Turin in 2025.

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