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International KYM Cartoon Competition

    International KYM Cartoon Competition | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Illustration
     Deadline:  January 29, 2016 - expired! November 9, 2015
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Wars, conflicts, natural disasters, and oppressive regimes are causing unnamable wounds in the lives of many civilians. They are exiled from their homes and have to take shelter in safer countries. The civilians who are forced to migrate face uncountable hardships during their long journeys. And the ones managing to reach safer regions face new challenges due to various issues in the receiving countries.

    In order to bring to the forefront of the global agenda the issues of civilians who are forced to continue their lives as "refugees", and to raise awareness about this sensitive problem and to contribute to the solution, Kimse Yok Mu has organised an International Cartoon Competition.

    Each participant can submit up to three works. Any techniques can be used to draw the caricatures, and they can be black and white or coloured. The format of the caricatures shall be jpg or jpeg, with 300 dpi resolution.

    A digital participation certificate will be sent to all participants of the competition via email.

    There is no entry fee.


    Open worldwide to all cartoonists.


    • 1st prize: 3,000 USD
    • 2nd prize: 2,000 USD
    • 3rd prize: 1,000 USD

    Moreover, the authors of the best three cartoons will be invited to participate in the Award Ceremony, scheduled for 27 February 2016 in Turkey (travel and accommodation expenses paid).

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