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International Compostela Prize For Picture Books

    International Compostela Prize For Picture Books | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Illustration
     Deadline:  May 12, 2017 - expired! March 12, 2017
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
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    The Education Department of the City Council of Santiago de Compostela, as part of the 17th Reading Promotion Campaign and in collaboration with Kalandraka publishers, announces the call for entries to the Tenth International Compostela Prize for Picture Books.

    The competition is open to all publications included in the picture book category: a book in which the story is told through illustrations and images, with both complementing each other.

    Authors competing for the prize must present:

    • Five copies of the text
    • Three original illustrations and five colour photocopies of each (if digital techniques are used, the authors may send high-resolution prints of the work)
    • A finished layout of the whole project

    The books may be presented in any of the official languages in the Iberian peninsula (Galician, Catalan, Basque, Castilian Spanish and Portuguese), and must be original and unpublished. Adaptations of originals or books that have already been awarded prizes or mentions in other contests will not be accepted.

    The projects may be presented in any size, technique and format, but may not contain any more than 40 inner pages (excluding covers and endpapers).

    There is no entry fee.


    One or more persons, authors of the text and illustrations of any nationality may take part.


    A single prize of 9,000 Euro (approx. 9,600 USD) is established as an advance on author's rights. This right shall be valid for a period of one year, after which the works shall be at the free disposal of the author(s).

    The prize-winning work will be published in all of the official languages of the peninsula by the publisher Kalandraka in November 2017.

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