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Infected By Art Volume 7 Competition

    Infected By Art Volume 7 Competition | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Illustration
     Deadline:  December 7, 2018 - expired! October 10, 2018
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Infected By Art's annual book contest connects artists to a global audience through its online public submission and viewing process. They are seeking the best artwork in the genre of imaginative realism, i.e. Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror.

    All mediums are accepted including traditional painting, digital painting, drawing and sculpture. The Jury Panel is comprised of four individuals entrenched in the creation of imaginative realism artworks; Thomas Kuebler, Yoann Lossel, Dave Seeley, and Cynthia Sheppard. They will select the most deserving images for publication in the IBA7 book and pick the top artworks for Cash prizes.

    Images must be in JPG, BMP, GIF or PNG, and must be no smaller than 1MB per image. There is no minimum or maximum image size, however, if your image(s) is selected you will be asked to provide a hi-res image.

    Artworks should have been created in the last two years, since September 2016. Artists retain full copyright control over their images.

    Artists are allowed to submit up to 10 works of art. Each entry costs 10 USD, with the 5th and 10th being free of charge.


    Open to professional and emerging artists from all over the world.


    • 1st Place: 1,000 USD
    • 2nd Place: 500 USD
    • 3rd Place: 250 USD
    • 4th Place: 125 USD
    • 5th Place: 125 USD
    • Cover Winner: 500 USD
    • Body of Work Award: 500 USD

    Artists who submit at least 3 paid entries into the competition and make it into the book will receive a free copy of IBA7 when it ships (artists who reside outside the USA and UK will have to pay shipping).

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