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Griffin Art Prize 2014 UK

    Griffin Art Prize 2014 UK | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Illustration
     Deadline:  August 1, 2014 - expired! May 20, 2014
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    The Griffin Art Prize 2014 UK is an exciting opportunity for emerging artists in painting and drawing.

    All applicants will be required to send 4 jpeg images of four original works by the artist. These should be no larger than 1 mb each. Each image should be of a separate work and should include title, medium, dimensions in cm, year and price for sale.

    Only one entry per person is permitted. Paintings submitted should be no larger than 2.5m x 3m and should have been completed since 2009. The paintings must be entirely the entrant’s original idea and creation.

    The panel of judges will make an initial selection of 20 artists from the digital submission. The artists on the long list will be announced on the September 8th 2014 and their work will be featured on the Griffin Art Prize website.

    The artists selected for the Griffin Art Prize long list will be invited to send in one piece of work to the Studio Building. The judges will convene to view the works and select a short list of 10 artists. The announcement of the short list will be made on October 6th 2014 on the Griffin Art Prize website.

    The short listed artists will be invited to exhibit their works at the Griffin Gallery from the 18th of November 2014. The judges will select the winner of the Griffin Art Prize 2014 UK from the shortlist exhibition. The winner will be announced at the private view in the Griffin Gallery on November 18th 2014.

    Entry is £15 (approx. 25 USD) per application.


    All UK based artists graduated since 2009, and whose primary medium is painting or drawing, are invited to apply.


    Supported by the world’s leading fine art brands, Winsor & Newton, Liquitex and Conté à Paris, the prize offers one outstanding candidate a six month residency in the Studio Building, 21, Evesham street, London W11 4AJ.

    A large, well-lit studio, materials and a small financial allowance are provided for the winning artist to develop new work for a one-person show in the Griffin Gallery, London W11. Accompanied by a catalogue, this exhibition will be an outstanding individual showcase.

    Moreover, 20 artists selected for the long list of the Griffin Art Prize 2014 UK will have their work showcased on the Griffin website. An exhibition of 10 short-listed artists will be held at the Griffin Gallery.

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