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Copic Award 2019

    Copic Award 2019 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Illustration
     Deadline:  March 1, 2019 - expired! February 13, 2019
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Copic Award is a competition aimed at providing an opportunity to share the diverse artworks created using Copic products on the web, connect Copic fans around the world to inspire each other and help make their creative experiences more fun.

    Your artwork must have been created using Copic products.

    The size of artwork should be within L24" x W18"x H12" (L594mm x W420mm x H300mm) with the weight of 11lbs (5kg) or less. For the base material of artwork, fragile materials such as ceramic or glass are prohibited to use.

    There are no categories nor specific theme. The Award has been purposely kept this broad to encourage imagination.

    Judges for this edition:

    • Tsutomu Okada / curator
    • Junko Koshino / Designer
    • Arina Tanemura / Japanese manga artist
    • Rumiko Tezuka / Director & Planning Producer of Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd.
    • Kei Matsushita / Art director

    Applicants must be individual artists, not groups. Entry is limited to artworks which have not already been made public either through another competition or an exhibition (excluding personal exhibition or own social media pages).

    Only one piece of artwork may be submitted per person.

    There is no entry fee.


    Open to anyone worldwide. There are no restrictions for nationality, age, experience, residence area, etc. All applicants under the age of 13 require the consent of a parent or legal guardian.


    • Grand Prize:
    A cash award of 5,000 USD, an invitation to the award ceremony in Tokyo (including round-trip airline tickets and accommodation), a full 358 set of Copic Sketch markers.

    • Second place:
    Invitation to the award ceremony in Tokyo (including round-trip airline tickets and accommodation), a full 358 set of Copic Sketch markers.

    • Future Generation Art Prize (U-18 Award): a full 358 set of Copic Sketch markers.
    • Judges’ Awards: Special edition Copic Sketch set.
    • Special Prizes: Special edition Copic Sketch set.

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