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Youth 4 Freedom International Design Contest

    Youth 4 Freedom International Design Contest | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  September 30, 2014 - expired! August 25, 2014
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Youth 4 Freedom is a youth led project, and a campaign that aims to raise awareness about Human Trafficking. Human Trafficking is the second largest crime in the world. It is a global problem involving 27 million people from all ages, who are forced into different crime.

    Organised by HustleBucks, they invite you to produce a t-shirt design about human trafficking. Your design must focus on one of the following crime issues:

    • Sexual Exploitation - Women and teenagers being forced into prostitution.

    • Forced Labour – Where Men and Women are forced into work aboard for little or no pay due to their identities being stolen.

    • Organ Donation – Where people are illegally forced to donate organs on the black market.

    • Fraud – Where people are forced to steal credit cards and peoples identities with the intention to extort money.

    • Theft/Shoplifting – This crime includes people of all ages who are forced to pick pocket or steal.

    • Begging – This crime is a combination of Women and Children who are forced to beg on the streets. ­

    Be as creative as you like, bearing in mind the design must communicate your chosen crime simply and effectively.

    HustleBucks was started by young people to create a social enterprise for young people which will provide opportunities to learn and acquire new skills that will enable them to voice the issues that affect their lives and futures. This is communicated through a youth fashion brand and delivered through a retail business. Through their involvement young people gain valuable experience geared towards future employment in the creative and cultural industries.

    There is no entry fee.


    Open to anyone worldwide.


    The strongest designs will be selected and sold in the HustleBucks shop as part of a collection and will also be presented at a major conference in the UK and Bulgaria later this year.

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