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Spark Design Awards 2014

    Spark Design Awards 2014 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  October 10, 2014 - expired! March 14, 2014
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Spark is first and foremost a community of designers and creative people, bound together by the idea that Design can make positive change in the world. The Spark mission is to promote better living through better design. The Spark founders believe Design is an important, relevant tool to help build a better world.

    In its eighth edition, Spark Design Awards keeps to be a unique crossroads of design, where the interests of all participants in the community are represented and their strengths brought to bear. Spark leaps beyond the mid-century view of design. In this new world, how do the best ideas and best designs gain recognition? Spark Awards will validate superlative designs from professionals. But we also need a filter for the best novice designers and innovators, too. The world is now participating in design - let’s enable the best formgivers to rise to the top.

    The Spark Design Awards are an international design competition series for many design categories, with the core mission of creating a better world though design excellence. Better lives, better health, better water, better air. Great design can help us get there. Do your part, make designs that make a difference.

    There are eight main categories:

    • Concept & Student
    • Experience
    • Graphic
    • Health
    • Product
    • Screen
    • Spaces
    • Transport

    Each entrant may enter as many designs as they wish. Entries are accepted for any designs launched from January 2000 forward, and a design may be entered again in later years if it did not win.

    There are a different entry fees depending upon the category.


    All designers, art directors, design firms and departments, ad agencies, marketing and branding practices, clients, manufacturers, student and non-professional or novice designers from all over the world are welcome to enter.


    Winners will be awarded either a prestigious Finalist, Bronze Spark, Silver Spark, Gold Spark or the ultimate Spark! Award.

    Moreover, Spark winners are published in the new Spark Annual and in Korea’s Creative World of Design Competitions, exhibited by invitation in multiple countries and archived in permanent galleries on the web.

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