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Poster For Tomorrow 2017 Call For Entries

    Poster For Tomorrow 2017 Call For Entries | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  July 10, 2017 - expired! January 13, 2017
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
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    Poster For Tomorrow announces its 9th annual call for entries for social communication poster designs. The project has been running its yearly contest since 2009, and for the last eight years poster for tomorrow has focused on basic human rights, from freedom of expression to the universal right to healthcare.

    The theme for the 2017 edition is Freedom of Movement.

    « In last year's brief we talked about "a world where boundaries are becoming less and less meaningful. Now more than ever, we are one people. No matter where we live, we are all equally powerless in the face of war or environmental disaster."

    We still believe this, but electorates in the Western World responded by voting to close borders and build walls to keep foreigners out. A violent rhetoric of hatred and fear is being constructed around people who's only 'crime' is to be born in a foreign country. We want to refocus the debate around immigration to what lies at its heart: people. »

    An entry to the competition consists of a portrait format poster addressing the proposed creative brief. Posters may be designed by a single author or by a team. Designs submitted to the contest must be original artworks previously unpublished. Designs must consist entirely of the authors' own work and must not include any copyrighted material. Participants may submit up to 10 different posters.

    Designs must be presented in vertical format. Entries must be submitted as JPG files of 2953x4134 pixels at a resolution of 150dpi (corresponding to 50x70 cm in printed size) saved in RGB colour space.

    There is no entry fee.


    Open to designers and design students from all over the world.


    Poster for Tomorrow will reward the best 100 designs, as selected by the jury, by including them in the Freedom of Movement exhibition as part of an event called "a day for tomorrow", that will be held in a series of cities around the world on 10th December 2017 to celebrate the anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights.

    A book about the exhibition will be published. The selected participants are entitled to a copy of the book free of charge (but are asked to cover the postage costs at their own expense).

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