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Hiiibrand Awards 2021

    Hiiibrand Awards 2021 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  January 21, 2022 - expired! November 5, 2021
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    Since 2010, the Hiiibrand Awards has been held for 12 consecutive years, inviting more than 60 international judges from 5 continents and receiving more than 17,000 entries from more than 100 countries or regions, and has now become a leading international, professional and forward-looking design competition.

    Hiiibrand Awards 2021 has two levels: Professional and Student.

    The categories are focused on Identity, Logo and Package design and will encompass work done for corporations; business-to-business or business-to-consumer companies; consumer products or services; sports teams, venues or events; cultural, educational, or governmental institutions; or non-profit, health, or religious organizations; among a number of other industries.

    The candidate works have to be created between January 2019 - January 2022.


    Open worldwide to students, individual, design companies, institutions.


    The award will be set out of Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award and Merit Award for Professional Level and Student Level. Besides, there are several awards, namely 1 Grand Prix and 5 Jury Awards for Professional Level and Student Level respectively. There will be 5 Best Delegations and 10 Best Tutors for all schools and teachers around the world also.

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