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Graphis Design Annual Competition 2015

    Graphis Design Annual Competition 2015 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  April 15, 2014 - expired! March 12, 2014
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    UPDATE: deadline extended to April 15, 2014.

    Graphis publications feature the best in Design, Advertising, Photography and Illustration. Each of their Annuals represents the best internationally produced work in that discipline from the previous year.

    Graphis, The International Journal of Visual Communication, was first published in 1944 by Walter Herdeg and Dr. Walter Amstutz in Zurich, Switzerland. Graphis presented the work of fine artists and illustrators, and gradually presented the formative years of graphic design as we know it today. Advertising and photography were also featured, and Walter selectively chose what he felt to be the best talent of the time. Walter was invited into the Alliance Graphique International in 1952 and, that same year, introduced the Graphis Annual. In 1964, following a split from Dr. Walter Amstutz, Walter Herdeg officially became the sole publisher of Graphis. In 1966, he introduced the Graphis Photo Annual, followed in 1973 by the Graphis Poster Annual. During Walter’s reign, Graphis became one of the classiest publications available, as a result of his impeccable care and good taste.

    The Design Annual Competition is the largest and most extraordinary of the Graphis competitions. It will result in a book presentation of the top Platinum & Gold award winning designs from an extraordinary group of international designers. Each awarded submission is presented on a full page, and placed by category for easy comparative inspiration.

    Image requirements: JPEG, resolution: 72 pixels/inch. If landscape, make the width: 960px or greater. If portrait, make the height: 680px or greater. File size maximum limit: 5Mb. Mode/Depth: RGB, 24-bits (8 bits per channel). Color Space: sRGB.

    The Single entry fee is $150 and the Series entry fee (up to 7 images) is $300. When you buy a professional membership for $75, you get a 50% discount on the entry fee.


    Professionals in the Graphic Design community from all over the world.


    Platinum and Gold award winners are featured in the Graphis Annual Design book and are awarded a Graphis certificate.

    Winners also receive 50% discounts on select published annuals and digital equivalents, and all entrants receive dedicated urls to their pieces in perpetuity.

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