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GO! 2025 International Logo, Brand & Visual Identity Contest

    GO! 2025 International Logo, Brand & Visual Identity Contest | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  February 9, 2022 - expired! December 22, 2021
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [link]

    The European Capital of Culture is a project of the European Commission that has taken place every year since 1985 and involves two cities from two states of the European Union selected by an independent jury within national competitions.

    The theme (slogan) of the European Capital of Culture 2025 is GO! Borderless, which embodies the desire to create a city without borders. Nova Gorica and Gorizia overcoming together all kinds of "borders": two cities divided by the wars of the twentieth century, united by close collaboration and friendship, have set themselves an ambitious goal: to become the European Capital of Cross-border Culture.

    The object of this Competition is the study and creation of a new logo / representative brand that clearly summarises the theme inspiring the event, and which serves as a launching platform and distinctive sign for all activities of the European Capital of Culture project with particular regard to identity and communication.

    Please, read carefully and follow the instructions and guidelines of the open call on the official website.

    There is no entry fee.


    The following types of organisations are invited to participate:
    a) graphic-design and/or advertising / communication companies or studios;
    b) graphic designers, designers and architects who can prove they operate as freelancers;
    c) graduates from public and private post-diploma or university-level training schools of fine arts, graphics, design or communication under thirty years of age. Each competitor must fulfil at least one of the requirements referred to in points a), b), and c).


    The winner will receive 10.000 EUR (approx. 11,280 USD).

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