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Design Educates Awards 2024

    Design Educates Awards 2024 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  April 21, 2024 - expired! February 20, 2024
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    The Design Educates Awards (DEAwards) 2024, hosted by the Laka Foundation, stands out as a prestigious international competition that celebrates the intersection of design, architecture, and education. It uniquely focuses on projects that transcend traditional aesthetics to include significant added value, such as educational potential, storytelling, the stimulation of critical thinking, and the ability to influence emotions or behaviors. Open to both conceptual designs and completed projects from the past five years, regardless of scale, the DEAwards encourages entries from innovators who seek to make a profound impact on society through design and architecture. The awards ceremony, scheduled to occur at the Solarlux Campus in Germany, promises to be a gathering of minds passionate about leveraging design for social impact.

    Laka Foundation, a non-profit organization renowned for its commitment to social change through design excellence, orchestrates the DEAwards. This foundation has built a global network of professionals dedicated to the idea that design and architecture can do more than just please the eye; they can also educate, inspire, and facilitate positive change in the world. By acknowledging projects that integrate educational elements or stimulate critical thinking among users, the DEAwards sets itself apart from conventional design competitions. It invites a diverse array of participants, from students to professionals, and companies of all sizes, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and innovative solutions.

    The significance of the DEAwards in the design and architecture communities cannot be overstated. By highlighting projects that embody both aesthetic beauty and educational value, the awards underscore the importance of thoughtful, impactful design in our everyday lives. This focus not only attracts entries from around the globe but also enhances the visibility of the awarded projects, contributing to a broader understanding and appreciation of design’s potential to educate and influence. The collaboration with Solarlux GmbH as the strategic partner further amplifies the reach and prestige of the event, making it a crucial platform for professionals seeking to showcase their innovative designs that educate and inspire.

    Entry fees vary by participant type - Students: 50 EUR; Individual professional/Company < 10 employees: 175 EUR; Company 11–100 employees: 350 EUR; Company 100+ employees: 600 EUR.


    Open to everyone, with no limit on team participants. Underage persons need guardian consent. Organizers, jury members, their relatives, and employees are excluded.


    Laureates of the main prizes and honorable mentions will be awarded certificates and winning labels, inclusion in the "Design Educates" book, and an invitation to participate in the Awards Ceremony and Exhibition in Germany. This highlights the recognition of the winners’ contributions to design and architecture, showcasing their innovative projects that extend beyond aesthetics to educational and societal impacts.

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