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Communication Arts 2025 Typography Competition

    Communication Arts 2025 Typography Competition | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  September 27, 2024 - 62 days left July 19, 2024
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    The Communication Arts 2025 Typography Competition is a celebrated event in the design community, dedicated to showcasing the best uses of typography as the primary visual element in various creative applications. This competition seeks to highlight exceptional work in design and advertising, focusing on innovative typeface designs, elegant calligraphy, and striking hand lettering. It is open to typographers worldwide, inviting entries that have been first published or produced from September 2023 through September 2024. The competition spans multiple categories, including advertising, brochures, posters, packaging, books, digital media, environmental graphics, and student work, providing a comprehensive platform for typographic excellence.

    Winning entries are selected by a distinguished jury of leading design professionals, ensuring that the highest standards of creativity and technical skill are recognized. The chosen works are featured in the Communication Arts Typography Annual, a prestigious publication distributed worldwide in both print and digital formats. This exposure guarantees significant visibility for the creators, as the annual is a key resource for design professionals globally. Additionally, the winning works are showcased on, further amplifying their reach within the industry. Each category in the competition is designed to celebrate the diverse applications of typography, from traditional print media to modern digital platforms, reflecting the evolving nature of the field.

    The prizes for the Communication Arts 2025 Typography Competition are not only prestigious but also carry substantial professional recognition. Each winning entrant receives a personalized Award of Excellence, crafted from solid aluminum, symbolizing the high honor bestowed by Communication Arts. Award certificates are also issued to all creative contributors, acknowledging the collaborative efforts often involved in such projects. While there is no cash prize, the real value lies in the immense exposure and the boost in professional standing that comes with being featured in one of the industry’s most respected publications. This competition thus serves as a significant career milestone for typographers, providing them with the opportunity to have their work recognized and celebrated on an international stage.

    Entry fees start at $40, with discounts for student entries. Entries registered after 13 September 2024 require a $10 late fee.


    Open to typographers worldwide.


    Winners of the Communication Arts 2025 Typography Competition will be featured in the Communication Arts Typography Annual, distributed globally in both print and digital editions. This ensures significant exposure for the winning works. Each winning entrant will also receive a personalized Award of Excellence, milled from solid aluminum, along with award certificates for all creative contributors. While there is no cash prize, the award is highly prestigious within the design industry, providing recipients with recognition and elevated status in their professional field.

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