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Art For Planet Earth Design Competition

    Art For Planet Earth Design Competition | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  August 20, 2020 - expired! May 2, 2020
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Art for Planet Earth is a biannual design competition with change at its heart. It is about stimulating a shift in the mindset of creatives to encourage responsible thinking. And allowing you to contribute your creativity toward change.

    For this debut edition, we give you a reusable glass bottle as a canvas to unleash your thoughts about global warming, climate change and our responsibility for the world. A design from the heart to motivate others in this critical age.

    All submitted works will be judged by an international jury, and all will appear in a 3D mock-up that will be visible on the APE’s Gallery and open for public voting.

    You can submit a maximum of three bottle designs, entry fee is 15 GBP (approx. 18 USD) per submitted artwork.


    Open to everyone worldwide over 18 years of age.


    Win a Wacom Intuos Pro creative pen tablet; receive esteemed industry recognition; and see your artwork printed onto one of three limited-edition water bottles.

    The three winning artworks will be printed onto eco-friendly reusable glass bottles that will be available in APE’s online webshop for purchase. For every bottle sold, Art for Planet Earth will donate 20% of all proceeds to, WWF UK and The Climate Coalition.

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