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Aiap Women In Design Award

    Aiap Women In Design Award | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  June 30, 2017 - expired! May 13, 2017
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    The AWDA biennial award, at its third edition, wishes to explore and promote the little-known universe of women working in visual communication design.

    The award originates from a dedicated research activity carried out by Aiap (Italian Association of Visual Communication Design), and its aim is to investigate the idioms, poetics and different approaches to graphic design which otherwise would never be brought to light, and reconstructing and acknowledging the contribution that many visual communication women designers have given and continue to give to the universe of graphic design.

    There are four categories:

    • Professionals (women visual communication designers)
    • Researchers and teachers (women teachers, researchers, scholars, theorists)
    • Students (women students, undergraduate students, PhD students)
    • Special career award

    Participation in the Award is open only to women designers that fall within the four sections of the Award, covering various phases in the educational and professional life of visual communication women designers and providing a comprehensive overview of projects in this area of design.

    The maximum number of designs to be submitted is three for the chosen category.

    Entry fee starts from 25 Euro for AIAP members, 80 Euro otherwise. No entry fee for Students category.


    Open to women designers from all over the world, with projects produced from 2012 onwards.


    The international jury will select the projects suitable for publication, and among them will identify those to be awarded Aiap Women in Design Award 2017.

    The official Award-giving ceremony will take place on September 30, 2017, during the next edition of Aiap Design Per, International Graphic Design Week, to be held in Istituto Centrale per la Grafica in Rome (Italy).

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