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14th WOLDA Worldwide Logo Design Award

    14th WOLDA Worldwide Logo Design Award | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  October 1, 2023 - expired! September 19, 2023
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [link]

    The WOLDA Worldwide Logo Design Award is a prestigious international competition that celebrates exceptional achievements in the realm of logo design and business stationery. As it enters its 14th year, this global contest has thrown open its doors to designers hailing from every corner of the globe. The competition stands as a testament to the world’s collective creativity, showcasing the finest work in the field of logo design and business stationery. It serves as a vibrant platform where artistic innovation, branding ingenuity, and graphic design excellence converge.

    WOLDA encompasses an array of categories designed to capture the diverse facets of contemporary logo design, from "Logo New" and "Logo Redesign" to categories dedicated to animated logos, sound logos, corporate identities, flexible logos, identities with custom typefaces, and logos integrated with packaging. This extensive spectrum underscores the competition’s commitment to celebrating and exploring the multifaceted nature of logo design. The competition’s website provides illustrative examples of each category, offering entrants a clear understanding of the breadth of possibilities and the creative freedom they can harness.

    As the competition’s global reach continues to expand, it fosters international connectivity among graphic designers, promoting the exchange of innovative ideas and the forging of creative bonds across borders. The 14th WOLDA Worldwide Logo Design Award is more than just a contest; it is a catalyst for graphic design discourse, workshops, congresses, and exhibitions, especially focused on the art of logo design. With a legacy of honoring excellence in design and the promise of international collaboration, WOLDA stands as a beacon guiding the global design community toward new horizons in the world of logos and business stationery.

    The entry fee varies by category and submission phase. For "Logo New" and "Logo Redesign" categories, it is 80 Euros for the regular deadline and 100 Euros for the late deadline. For other categories, it is 180 Euros for the regular deadline and 210 Euros for the late deadline. Participants with 6 or more submissions receive a 20 percent discount.


    Open to all individuals or companies of any nationality, place of birth, or residence.


    The competition offers gold, silver, and bronze prizes as main awards, along with "Awards of Excellence" for outstanding individual achievements. Winning entries will be published on the website and across social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. The competition also aims to facilitate international networking among graphic designers and promote creativity in logo design and graphic design as a whole.

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