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Type Drives Culture Conference 2019

    Type Drives Culture Conference 2019 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Events

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    To explore the intersection of type and culture in America today, Type Directors Club has invited design leaders to discuss type’s role in music, fashion, politics, publishing, mass media, and corporate brands and how changing cultural trends present new challenges for designers.

    The annual Type Drives Culture conference on March 1st reflects the changing face(s) of typography.

    The title this year is Type: More _____ Than Ever, an interactive theme that invites new voices to fill in the blank about the present and future of type.

    Their exciting lineup includes two of the most influential typeface designers of the 21st century, Fiona Ross and Kris Holmes, along with a new generation of designers and thinkers who are making type more accessible, more global, and more exciting than ever before.


    SVA Theatre
    333 W 23rd St
    New York

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