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Hope To Nope: Graphics And Politics 2008-18

    Hope To Nope: Graphics And Politics 2008-18 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Events

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    On view at the Design Museum from March 28 through August 12, Hope to Nope: Graphics and Politics 2008-18 examines the political graphic design of a turbulent decade. Alongside traditional posters and banners, it charts the rise of digital media and social networking, which have given graphic iconography an extraordinary new reach.

    The exhibition demonstrates graphic design’s role in influencing opinion, provoking debate and driving activism. It explores the trajectory from ’Hope’ to ’Nope,’ as represented by the iconic Barack Obama ’Hope’ poster by Shepard Fairey and the many imitations that followed, including the Donald Trump ’Nope’ meme. The exhibition demonstrates how technology and graphic design are weapons wielded by the powerful and the marginalised alike.

    Hope to Nope comprises three main sections: Power, Protest and Personality. A large graphic timeline dissects the gallery, charting the role of new communication technologies such as Facebook and Twitter in global events of the last decade.

    Age guidance 6+.


    Design Museum
    224-238 Kensington High Street, W8 6AG, London, UK
    (10.00 to 18.00 – last entry 17.00)

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