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Daiwa Foundation Art Prize 2015

    Daiwa Foundation Art Prize 2015 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  September 30, 2014 - expired! July 13, 2014
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation is delighted to announce the third Daiwa Foundation Art Prize, which offers a British artist a first solo show at a gallery in Tokyo, Japan.

    Artists applying for the prize are required to submit images or documentation of four recent works, in any medium (including painting, photography, drawing, sculpture, installation, video, etc), a supporting CV and personal statement.

    The judging panel will first select a short list of three artists whose works will be exhibited at the Daiwa Foundation Japan House Gallery, London in June 2015, during which time a winner is announced.

    Only works produced within the last 3 years are acceptable. Artists entering must be available to travel to Japan in Autumn/Winter 2015.

    Ideally all images should be 300dpi with a maximum file size of 500KB. Only the following file formats are acceptable: JPEGs, TIFFs or PNGs.

    There is no entry fee.


    The prize is open to British artists currently resident in the UK who have not previously had a solo exhibition in Japan.


    The winning artist will have a solo show at a gallery in Tokyo, Japan.

    In addition, the winning artist will be awarded a participation fee of £5000 (approx. 8,550 USD), and a period of support and introductions to key individuals and organisations in the Japanese contemporary art world.

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