The Italian cultural association Art Photo Travel, sponsored by the City of Siena and the University of Siena, has launched the Siena International Photography Awards. The aim of the competition is to promote the art of photography through a coordinated set of initiatives designed to provide an international stage and a vision of absolute importance and prestige to the partecipants. The photos must be based on the following categories & themes: • Open • Travel • People and Portrait • Nature • Wildlife • Architecture • Sport • Cultural value of man’s relationship with food • Storyboard You can submit up to 3 works per category, except for Storiboard (min 5 max 9). An image cannot be entered in more than one category, but a Storyboard image may also be entered in a single image category. Manipulations which could realistically be achieved in a darkroom will be accepted but the judges have the discretion to reject any image which has been, in their opinion, over-manipulated, removing the integrity of the original image. Photos must be in JPG file format, sRGB color profile. File size of individual image should not exceed 2MB. The dimensions of the photos must be to a maximum of 1920 pixels wide by a maximum of 1080 pixels high. The contest will be conducted in accordance with the requirements and practices of FIAP\/PSA. Entry fee: • Professional and amateur photographers: 15 Euro (approx. 20 USD) per category. • Students: 10 Euro (approx. 15 USD) Early Bird until December 31, 2014: 1 more photo in each category. Eligibility: The contest is open worldwide to any photographer, whether amateur or professional. Prize: The winner of each category will receive 200 Euro (approx. 250 USD). The entrant with the highest final score will receive 1,500 Euro (approx. 1,860 USD) and will be announced with the title: Photographer of the Year SIPA Contest 2015. The highest placing works will be published on the competition’s website and may be displayed in a collective exhibit on November 2015 in Siena during Siena Photo Fastival 2015. Some of the entered photos may in addition be selected for exhibits in Italy and abroad. Besides the images on display, there will be also a solo exhibition of one or more photographers who collaborate with the National Geographic Magazine and who will take part of the jury. Each entrant will receive free of charge a best quality digital catalogue of all awarded works. On request you can also receive the printed catalogue.