The Alfred Fried Photography Award will be held under the new name Global Peace Photo Award, inspired by 1911 Nobel Peace Laureates Alfred Fried and Tobias Asser. The Global Peace Photo Award recognizes and promotes photographers from all over the world whose pictures capture human efforts towards a peaceful world and the quest for beauty and goodness in our lives. The award goes to those photographs that best express the idea that our future lies in peaceful coexistence. You may enter several photographs as individual submissions without an overall theme. Or you can submit up to 20 photographs as one story. There is no entry fee. Eligibility: Open to professional and amateur photographers from anywhere in the world. Prize: The Peace Image of the Year will receive 10,000 EUR (approx. 10,800 USD). Moreover, the top five listed photographers will be awarded the Alfred Fried Photography Award Medal and the winner of the Children Peace Image of the Year will receive 1,000 EUR.