Samsung and Dezeen have launched a design competition that challenges designers to create graphics for the Ambient Mode feature on Samsung’s QLED TVs. Samsung’s Ambient Mode does away with the mundane black screen that dominates a room when the television is not in use. Built into the 2018 QLED televisions, Ambient Mode makes the screen appear transparent by mimicking the appearance of the wall behind it, while also enhancing its environment by overlaying additional imagery and information - such as the weather - if desired. To enter, contestants must pick one of the four backgrounds provided by Samsung and develop concepts that build on both the television’s environment and the time of day in which the feature would be utilized. Designers can base their entry on one of Samsung’s existing Ambient Modes - décor, information or personal photos - or they can propose a completely novel mode. Also, as Samsung and Dezeen are looking for concepts that highlight how Ambient Mode can mirror the environment and blend into the aesthetic of consumers’ homes, entrants will need to specify a particular lifestyle for their design. There is no entry fee. Eligibility: Open worldwide to professional designers or design students and able to present their work to a panel of English-speaking judges. All entrants must be over 18. Entrants will need to be available from 27 August 2018 to 2 September 2018, as the five finalists will be invited by Samsung to electronics trade show IFA in Berlin. If contestants enter as a team, only one person will be invited to attend the judging. Prize: The competition has 29,500 EUR (approx. 34,630 USD) total prize money. The winner will receive 8,000 EUR, with 3,000 EUR for the two runners-up, 1,500 EUR for the other seven shortlisted entrants and 1,000 EUR for the five who make it as far as the longlist. Samsung will have the option to purchase the top fifteen shortlisted entries for an additional 10.000 EUR which will be paid to the selected designer.