The Pure Talents Contest, organized by imm cologne, Germany’s premier Interior Business Event, is a renowned international design competition that provides emerging designers with a unique platform to showcase their creative ideas and innovative concepts in the field of interior design. This competition serves as a vital stepping stone for aspiring designers, offering them opportunities to establish valuable industry connections and relationships. In its 20th edition at imm cologne 2024, the Pure Talents Contest is introducing an exciting new concept by expanding its focus beyond traditional product design to include interior design concepts. This evolution reflects the competition’s commitment to recognizing designers who engage with future challenges, emphasizing innovation and ideas that have the potential to shape the global interior design landscape. The Pure Talents Contest has a history of identifying promising designers who make a lasting impact on the industry. This edition continues to celebrate outstanding design and nurture emerging talents. Aspiring designers can choose from three themes: Lifestyle and home living in cities with limited space, Lifestyle and home living in a circular society, and Lifestyle and home living as a statement\/message\/concept. The evaluation criteria include overall concept, originality, quality, functionality, sustainability, and circularity potential. This competition offers a unique opportunity for emerging designers to kick-start their careers and gain exposure in the interior design industry. There is no entry fee. Eligibility: Open to students and professionals worldwide in fields such as product design, interior design, industrial design, scenography, architecture, and interior architecture, with up to five years of experience or currently in education\/training. Entrants need to submit a short CV to confirm their eligibility. Prize: Each theme will have one winner selected by the jury, with a prize of 1,000 Euros. The shortlisted projects will be exhibited at imm cologne 2024 from 14 to 18 January 2024.