The inaugural Pro Carton Student Video Award was a big success amongst media and business schools. The European competition for video storytelling about cartons and cartonboard is open for entries again now. The video should promote or explain one or more of the benefits of cartons\/cartonboard in a creative way. Students can enter as a team of up to 4 people or are welcome to enter as individuals. The jury will consist of experts from the world of marketing, film and cartons. They will independently review and rate your video. There is no entry fee. Eligibility: All students enrolled at a European school\/university on a recognized full-time educational course at the time of entry are welcome to join the contest. Prize: The winner will receive 5,000 EUR (if the entry is from more than one student the prize will be shared equally). Moreover, if the situation allows, the winner(s) will be invited to the Pro Carton Award Gala in September 2021. Travel expenses and accommodation will all be borne by Pro Carton.