The National Organization for Women Foundation hosts an annual poster contest to celebrate the Love Your Body Campaign. Winning posters will be chosen based on how well they counteract the media’s use of narrow, unrealistic, negative images of women and\/or challenge advertisers that profit from women’s dissatisfaction with their bodies. Posters should be graphically attractive and use a dynamic message. We especially look for images that demonstrate beauty is not limited by body size, body type, ethnicity, age or physical appearance. The winning posters will be displayed in schools and other public settings, so please consider this when designing your poster. Poster should be no larger than 9 x 12. Artists may submit multiple posters in the same category, but may not submit posters in different categories. Category is determined by the age of the designer\/artist. Only original artwork will be considered. There is no entry fee. Eligibility: Entries are accepted from all countries. Prize: • $250 prize for open competition (non-student) • $200 prize for college (undergraduate or graduate student) • $150 prize for high school student • $100 prize for elementary or middle school student One poster will be selected as the grand prize winner to serve as the official 2014 Love Your Body Campaign poster and will be featured on the NOW Foundation web site. The grand prize winner will be chosen from among the four category winners and will receive an additional prize of $100.