UPDATE: deadline extended to January 29, 2017. Sponsored by the international law firm Ashurst, the Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize: seeks to effectively help emerging artists from a wide range of areas, whether that be from non-traditional career paths or under-represented countries. A maximum of 5 artworks per artist may be entered into the competition. Paintings, drawings, original prints, photography, sculptures, digitally produced artworks and mixed media constructions are accepted. Video art, sound art and the moving image are not accepted in this competition. Each artwork (including if made of several pieces, e.g. diptychs\/triptychs) must not exceed a total of 275cm x 275cm (including the frame) and must not project more than 50cm from the wall. If a sculpture, it can be up to 275cm x 275cm x 200cm. All work submitted must be available for sale. Entry fee is 20 GBP (approx. 24 USD) for first artwork, then 10 GBP (approx. 12 USD) per additional artwork. Eligibility: Open worldwide to emerging artists of all ages and career paths, whether student, graduate, full-time or part-time. Prize: The winner, selected by a judging panel of eminent art experts, collectors and artists, will receive a 3,000 GBP (approx. 3,660 USD) cash prize and a solo exhibition in the Ashurst Emerging Artist Gallery in London, with the winner of the sculpture prize receiving a 1,000 GBP (approx. 1,220 USD) cash award and also a solo exhibition of their collection. There is also the Employee Choice Award of 1,500 GBP chosen by Ashurst Employees. The prize is also supported by the UK's leading independent art supplies retailer, Cass Art, who are giving a 500 GBP gift voucher to the winner of the Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize: to spend on art supplies, and a 250 GBP gift voucher for both the Sculpture Prize: and Employee Choice Award.