The Book Illustration Competition is a unique partnership between House of Illustration and The Folio Society that seeks to identify and promote new talent in illustration. Each year entrants are asked to submit three illustrations and a binding design for a book chosen by The Folio Society. The book to be illustrated this year is Love Poems, a brand-new anthology of love poetry ranging through time and across cultures. Each illustration must be for a different chapter, spread throughout the book. Do not illustrate the final chapter. Each illustration must be accompanied by a text caption with a maximum of 25 words. The caption should be taken directly from the text, and provide context for the illustration. The judges are looking for your unique interpretation of the book. Your entry must be original. Any work based on other adaptations will not be considered. Your illustrations can be in any medium suitable for printing reproduction, in colour or black and white. All entries must be appropriate for a trimmed page size of 246mm x 185mm. If your design bleeds off the page please work to the following dimensions: 252mm x 191mm (which includes 3mm bleed). Entry fee is 25 GBP (approx. 31 USD), or 15 GBP (approx. 18 USD) for students. Eligibility: Open worldwide to illustrators over the age of 18, both student and professional, who have not been previously published by The Folio Society. Prize: The winner receives a highly sought-after commission, worth 5,000 GBP (approx. 6,210 USD), to complete a total of nine illustrations and a binding design for the book, which is then published by The Folio Society. Five runners each receive 500 GBP (approx. 621 USD) cash. The shortlist and the overall winner will be announced at the Awards Night on March 18, 2020 at House of Illustration.