The Silent Manga Audition is an international manga competition hosted by manga Japanese publisher COAMIX Inc. The aim of the Silent Manga Audition is to demonstrate your ability to tell a simple story through a visual narrative. Silent Manga is a story told entirely through illustration, without the use of dialogue. The theme of this edition is “Together for Peaceâ€. You should express the contest theme through a wordless story. Your manga must not exceed 31 pages. Black and white works are recommended. There is no entry fee. Eligibility: Open to anyone worldwide. Prize: • Grand Prix: Â¥500,000 (approx. 4,593 USD) • Grand Prix Runner-Up: Â¥300,000 • Excellence Award: Â¥100,000 • Excellence Runner-Up: Â¥30,000 • Honourable Mention: Â¥10,000 The winner of the UNESCO Award will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to Bangkok, where they will be presented with their UNESCO Award certificate during the opening of the “SMA13-UNESCO Round†Manga Exhibition at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre.