To celebrate creativity and promote social change through design, art, and cultural expressions, we are excited to announce the opening of Escucha Mi Voz Poster Contest 2023. Join this initiative creating posters that inspire society to foster prosperity and respect for others. This year the theme is 'Future neighborhoods'. The future scenario in which market forces rule and decide the design of neighborhoods is already a utopia. Setting aside social and environmental problems, it has serious blind spots and consequences that can collapse the system. There is no future in it. Not attending and not being able to see this reality can lead to barbarization and the generation of fortress cities, leaving outside their walls the vast, impoverished majority and with uncontrolled levels of violence. The great transition (Raskins et. al) in which the proposal is a new paradigm that understands that solidarity, respect, and balance are fundamental, is the only path to the future that can lead us to harmonious and sustainable survival. Each participant will be able to submit up to 10 posters. Posters must be original but not necessarily unpublished. There is no entry fee. Eligibility: Open worldwide to all designers, graphic artists, visual and plastic artists. No age limit. Prize: The best 50 posters will be part of an exhibitions in Mexico and other cities around the world. Moreover, digital certificate of participation and, where appropriate, selected designer will be sent.